[strongSwan] changing unity banner, no addattr in ipsec pool (4.4.0) ?

Andreas Steffen andreas.steffen at strongswan.org
Mon Feb 21 17:47:33 CET 2011

Hello Paul,

the ipsec pool --addattr functionality supporting arbitrary
ModeConfig and Cisco Unity attributes was introduced with
strongSwan 4.4.1 and is therefore not available in 4.4.0.

Best regards


On 02/21/2011 05:21 PM, Paul Dekkers wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried changing the unity banner (shown by for instance iPhones), but I
> was unsuccessful so far. It seems that the ipsec pool --addattr does not
> exist in the version I'm using? (Strongswan 4.4.0 from Ubuntu 10.10,
> modified package adding sqlite, attr-sql and nat-transport.)
> Also; using sqlite I tried an
> INSERT INTO "attributes" VALUES(1,28672,'New banner');
> but that's maybe not the right way of doing this.
> My strongswan.conf contains:
> libhydra {
>          plugins {
>                  attr-sql {
>                          database = sqlite:///etc/ipsec.d/ipsec.db
>                  }
>          }
> }
> so I assume that should work.
> Any advise?
> Regards,
> Paul

Andreas Steffen                         andreas.steffen at strongswan.org
strongSwan - the Linux VPN Solution!                www.strongswan.org
Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
CH-8640 Rapperswil (Switzerland)

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