[strongSwan] [strongSw an] AES_CCM_16 not supported error

Andreas Steffen andreas.steffen at strongswan.org
Tue May 26 13:13:09 CEST 2015

Hi Prasobh,

did you compile strongSwan before enabling the gcm and ccm plugins?
If yes, execute make clean and recompile because only then the
"implicit" plugin load list will be updated to contain gcm and ccm.

Best regards


On 26.05.2015 12:48, prasobh.s25 at wipro.com wrote:
> Hi Noel, Thanks for the pointer! How to find out whether crypto plug
> in enabled (using ipsec listalgs? )  ?
> I have enabled both ccm and gcm plugins while compiling strongswan
> but both of them are not loaded while running strongswan. Its missing
> in the “loaded plugins:” section seen we enter the command “ipsec
> statusall”. I put “charondebug=lib 4” to increase the log level and
> found that both the ccm and gcm plugins are not loaded . Iam using
> strongswan 5.0.0 . Also, when I enter “ipsec listalgs” command after
> running ipsec the “aead:” section is empty. What am I doing wrong ??
> Is there some extra configuration to be done in strongswan.conf ??
> Attaching the strongswan.conf file.
> Best Regards, Prasobh

Andreas Steffen                         andreas.steffen at strongswan.org
strongSwan - the Open Source VPN Solution!          www.strongswan.org
Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
CH-8640 Rapperswil (Switzerland)

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