[strongSwan] Minor bug in ipsec statusall?

Paul Theodoropoulos paul at anastrophe.com
Wed Jun 12 19:04:38 CEST 2013

Ah, that makes sense. The 'routine restart' was via monit, so likely 
something went awry there.


On 6/12/13 12:50 AM, Martin Willi wrote:
> Hi Paul,
>> "ipsec statusall" has stopped working - simply no output at all, no error.
>> However, /usr/local/libexec/ipsec/stroke statusall works correctly.
> The "ipsec" script is mostly a wrapper around stroke, but it checks for
> the charon PID file (usually in /var/run/charon.pid). Likely that it is
> missing for some reason, but I really don't know what could have gone
> wrong.
> Regards
> Martin

Paul Theodoropoulos

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