[strongSwan] Logging

Martin Willi martin at strongswan.org
Tue Nov 30 09:34:56 CET 2010

Hi Francois,

> - I haven't been able to use stdout or stderr to print anything

Be aware that ipsec starter forks the daemon by default, so you won't
see what the daemon logs. Invoke with --nofork to see logs to

> - When I'm using a real file to log, the content is written only after
> stopping the daemon. I thought flush_line = yes would change anything
> but apparently not.

There was a bug in the settings parser, it didn't like dots in the
filename. Has been fixed with 4.5.0, changeset 478eb660.

> - using the time_format option as in the example configuration has no
> effect on the log

Has been introduces in 4.5.0, changeset 3810afa9.


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