[strongSwan] CHILD SA Creation failed after ipsec update

vivek bairathi bairathi.vivek at gmail.com
Fri May 21 13:39:13 CEST 2010


1. I created an IKE Sa and a CHILD SA for a connection.
2. After that I brought down only the CHILD SA by using the connection id.
3. Then I changed the port for this SA in ipsec.conf on both the sides
(between the entities I am creating an SA) and fired ipsec update.
4.  Now when I fired ipsec up command for this connection it shows
TS_UNACCEPTABLE and connection establishment is failed.

I tried from both sides but still getting the same.
Q. Can you tell me what is wrong or is it some mistake that I am doing?
Q. Is it the correct behaviour of the stack?

Thanks in advance.


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