[strongSwan] conditional expressions in swanctl.conf?

Tobias Brunner tobias at strongswan.org
Wed Sep 21 14:36:30 CEST 2022

Hi Michael,

> If both connections in the config match, which one is chosen? First one?
> Most specific (where OU matches)?

They are ordered based on how well the remote and/or the local 
identities match (basically depends on the type and number of wildcards 
in the configured identity, although, only DNs support more than one 
wildcard).  If they match equally well, the first one.

For instance, in the ikev2/wildcard scenario, the identity "C=CH, 
O=strongSwan Project, OU=Research, CN=*" of the first config always 
matches the client's identity "C=CH, O=strongSwan Project, OU=Research, 
CN=carol at strongswan.org" better than id = %any (the default) of the 
second config, so the order doesn't matter there.  Same would be the 
case if the identity in the second config was e.g. "C=CH, O=strongSwan 
Project, OU=*, CN=*" as the first config has the better matching 
identity configured.

There is also the charon.rdn_matching setting that's relevant here. 
With the default of `strict`, the order as well as the number and type 
of RDNs have to match exactly.  With `reordered` the order is ignored, 
the number and type still have to match, so e.g. a certificate that has 
the RDNs in reverse order, such as "CN=carol at strongswan.org, 
OU=Research, O=strongSwan Project, C=CH", would match the configured DN 
above.  With `relaxed`, the number of RDNs doesn't have to match and all 
RDNs that are not configured are implicitly treated like wildcards.  So 
e.g. id = "OU=Research" would match the above client identity with three 
wildcards.  In that regard it would match equally well as "C=*, O=*, 
OU=Research, CN=*".  However, it would also match an identity like 
"OU=Research, CN=carol at strongswan.org", which the latter wouldn't, even 
in relaxed mode, because two of the configured RDNs are missing.

Note that it's not possible to match RDNs partially.  And for FQDN and 
email addresses, e.g. to match against SANs, only the beginning can be 
ignored (e.g. id = "*@research.strongswan.org" or id = "*.strongswan.org").


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