[strongSwan] had to manually up a connection

Noel Kuntze noel.kuntze+strongswan-users-ml at thermi.consulting
Thu Mar 5 16:01:56 CET 2020

Hello Victor,

You configured it to start, not to try to reinitiate. Use auto=route for the latter. It will try to reestablish when there's packets for it then though, not immediately.

Kind regards


Am 05.03.20 um 12:03 schrieb Victor Sudakov:
> Dear Colleagues,
> There was a power outage, the Mikrotik router at home was powered off
> for several hours. Then it was powered on again but there was no IPSec
> SA from work (Strongswan) to home (Mikrotik).
> I had to run "ipsec up home" at work to make things work again. Why did
> the SA not start automatically when the Mikrotik became available again?
> This is the relevant Strongswan config (yes the Strongswan at work is
> behind NAT).
> conn home
>     auto=start
>     authby=secret
>     dpddelay=10s
>     dpdaction=restart
>     esp=aes256-sha1-modp2048
>     ike=aes256-sha1-modp2048
>     ikelifetime=1h
>     lifetime=10m
>     keyexchange=ikev2
>     type=transport
>     left=
>     right=y.y.y.y
>     leftprotoport=47
>     rightprotoport=47

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