[strongSwan] [HELP]:swanctl in context of strongswan

Noel Kuntze noel.kuntze+strongswan-users-ml at thermi.consulting
Mon Jun 1 19:29:59 CEST 2020

Hi Kuna,

>  I want to check above network ping but the ping is blocked at  my internal network so I can not 
> ping to node b.

That statement is pretty ambiguous and without corresponding explanation. Keep in mind that your own interpretation of your collected data is flawed because you yourself don't understand it (copy & paste > prose). If you want help, please provide all data/logs as shown on the HelpRequests[1] page.

[1] https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/HelpRequests

Kind regards


Am 23.05.20 um 21:22 schrieb Kunal Chauhan:
> Hi Team,
> 1. I want to use check traffic and tunnenling  concept to connect to node b as shown below:
>  node A(IPv6 machine) -- >>>>>NAT64(IPv6 to IPv4 conversion) >>> >>>>tunnel>>>>node   b(security gateway.Ipv4 machine) 
>  I want to check above network ping but the ping is blocked at  my internal network so I can not 
> ping to node b.
>    please guide for the same as I can understand the concept better.
> 2. is the use of swanctl will be useful here
> Thanks
> Kuna
> -- 

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