[strongSwan] Host to host with certs - where to put own private key?

brent s. bts at square-r00t.net
Tue Feb 12 14:32:29 CET 2019

On 2/12/19 7:53 AM, Kostya Vasilyev wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking at converting my existing "legacy" host to host configuration to new based on:
> https://www.strongswan.org/testing/testresults/swanctl/host2host-transport/
> My current config (legacy format):
> newtun.conf
> conn mytunnel
> 	left=
> 	right=%any
> 	authby=rsasig
> 	compress=no
> 	type=transport
> 	leftprotoport=47/0
> 	rightprotoport=47/0
> 	auto=add
> 	ike=aes128-sha256-modp2048
> 	esp=aes128-sha256-modp2048
> 	rightcert=newtun_client_1.pem
> 	leftcert=newtun_server_1.pem
> 	dpddelay=30
> 	dpdtimeout=120
> 	ikev2=insist
> newtun.secrets
>  : RSA newtun_server_1.pem
> I have CA and client and server certs in subdirectories under /etc/ipsec.d, it all works.
> My question is - right now the private key of the server's (StrongSwan) certificate is required in a *.secrets file. There is no automatic loading from /etc/ipsec.d/private.
> Where do you put the private key with the new format? I don't see it in swanctl.conf
> https://www.strongswan.org/testing/testresults/swanctl/host2host-transport/moon.swanctl.confauth

This is a bit dependent on which distro (for instance, CentOS/RHEL
stuffs everything in /etc/strongswan/, but others split each subdir to
their own dir in /etc) BUT


"exploded" subdirs:

And likewise, your certs can be moved from /etc/ipsec.d to their
appropriate analog dir under the swanctl directory.

The following is RHEL, adjust per your use case as needed:

# tree /etc/strongswan/swanctl/
├── bliss
├── conf.d
├── ecdsa
├── pkcs12
├── pkcs8
├── private
│   └── key.pem
├── pubkey
├── rsa
├── swanctl.conf
├── x509
│   └── cert.pem
├── x509aa
├── x509ac
├── x509ca
│   └── ca.pem
├── x509crl
└── x509ocsp

I believe you should see this reproduced in the test cases.

If they are placed in their respective directories, you can reference
them relatively:

connections {
    pki {
        local {
            auth = pubkey
            certs = cert.pem
        remote {
             auth = pubkey
             cacerts = ca.pem
secrets {
    private_pki {
        file = key.pem

BUT I believe you can also use absolute paths if you don't want to use
the provided directory structure - at least for the secrets you can.

> And a "meta" - is there any benefit to the "new" format configuration?

I don't think there are any plans to obsolete the ipsec.conf format? One
of the developers can probably weigh in if so.

I personally prefer the swanctl.conf format because it's just a lot
easier to parse, at least visually, for me. I'm not aware of any
explicit benefit or advantage.

brent saner
GPG info: https://square-r00t.net/gpg-info

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