[strongSwan] Fwd: Windows native VPN client routing problem

Kamil Jońca kjonca at o2.pl
Thu Jan 11 10:20:22 CET 2018

Giuseppe De Marco
<giuseppe.demarco-7hklxhoAIDReoWH0uzbU5w at public.gmane.org> writes:

> def gw Route's metric in Windows can be changed runtime.
> If you want to fix the def gw from vpn in windows 10 just go in NIC propriety of the vpn network interface, network, ipv4 -> Propriety, Advanced, Use default gateway, then apply :)

But, sometimes, I want route ONLY to subnetwork (eg. work) via vpn, and
default rotue unchanged. And I did not found other resoultion than OP.

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