[strongSwan] Problem with multiple ip address configured in left and right subnet in Ikev1

bhargav p bhargav.1226 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 18:34:25 CET 2017


I am using strongswan version 5.5.1.

In ipsec.conf, configured left and right subnets like below:


I am trying to establish tunnel between two ubuntu boxes.

Though strongswan is installed and compiled by enabling unity extension
plugin, still only first subnet in configuration is used for establishing
tunnel, and only those SPD entries are inserted in kernel.

But for IKEv2, everything works fine, when multiple subnets are configured.

So, for Ikev1, other than unity plugin, do I need to something more to get
this worked? or For Ikev1,
multiple subnets seperated by coma is not allowed?

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