[strongSwan] Android client settings

Dusan Ilic dusan at comhem.se
Thu Aug 10 20:16:27 CEST 2017

And what do you mean by "the daemon is configured programmatically"?
How many keyintries does the Android client default to? Does it support 
and react on DPD?
If not, how does the client know when there is a issue with the 
connection, and retries or completely stops? (other then when receiving 
an implicit IKE DELETE)

Den 2017-07-30 kl. 18:50, skrev Noel Kuntze:
> Hi Dusan,
> On 30.07.2017 18:42, Dusan Ilic wrote:
>> What is the default ipsec.conf settings for the Android client? For example keyinretries, dpd etc?
> There's none. The daemon is configured programmatically.
>> Because I notice a problem, when the client is connected and the server is restart (ipsec restart) it disconnects and reconnects (probably because the server is sending IKE deletes), but when the server just goes away (let's say DHCP or disconnected network) the clienbt continues to report that its connected forever.
> Sounds like a bug in the UI.
>> The server is having DPD clear on the remote access connection, and removes the client, but the client seem to have not DPD enabled? It just sits there and if for example you route everything from the client internet stops working on the phone, wihtout even noticing because Strongswan report it still as connected.
>> Is there anyway to solve this, if not, this should really be fixed in the default settings for the client (either DPD restart or clear).

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