[strongSwan] Pcrypt module usage

Kapil Adhikesavalu kapil20084 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 14:07:05 CEST 2016


I am getting the following errors while trying pcrypt. From the wiki page,
i see when tcrypt is used, "modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'tcrypt':
Resource temporarily unavailable" is an expected. I am getting a different
error, please let me know if this fine.

The /proc/crypto logs in wiki page and mine looks little different, in
terms of priority and block size; is there any dependency on block size
w.r.t performance ?

For using pcrypt, other than inserting this module, should i do any other
configurations like core allocations ? and any ways to find if it uses
multiple cores.

modprobe pcrypt
modprobe tcrypt alg="pcrypt(rfc4106(gcm(aes-aesni)))" type
[  484.524117] tcrypt: one or more tests failed!
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'tcrypt': Unknown symbol in module, or
unknown parameter

[   76.563444] tcrypt: one or more tests failed!
[   78.883092] serial8250: too much work for irq4
[   78.974078] serial8250: too much work for irq4
[   79.060065] serial8250: too much work for irq4
[   79.106058] serial8250: too much work for irq4

root at genericx86-64:~# cat /proc/crypto

name         : rfc4106(gcm(aes))

driver       : pcrypt(rfc4106-gcm-aesni)

module       : pcrypt

priority     : 500

refcnt       : 1

selftest     : passed

internal     : no

type         : aead

async        : yes

blocksize    : 1

ivsize       : 8

maxauthsize  : 16

geniv        : seqiv

name         : rfc4106(gcm(aes-aesni))
driver       : pcrypt(rfc4106(gcm_base(ctr(aes-aesni),ghash-generic)))
module       : pcrypt
priority     : 400
refcnt       : 1
selftest     : passed
internal     : no
type         : aead
async        : yes
blocksize    : 1
ivsize       : 8
maxauthsize  : 16
geniv        : seqiv
root at genericx86-64:~# uname -r
root at genericx86-64:~# lsb_release
LSB Version:    core-4.1-noarch:core-4.1-x86_64

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