[strongSwan] Connecting Native Android VPN app > Strongswan IKEv2

Tobias Brunner tobias at strongswan.org
Fri Oct 2 17:05:13 CEST 2015

Hi Ben,

> First question is, can the Android Native app on the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 actually connect to StrongSwan or does it require the proprietary app.

I guess the native app works fine as well as it might be based on
strongSwan too (Samsung replaced Google's racoon client with strongSwan
on many devices, not sure about the Galaxy Node 4 though).  But even
Google's native IKEv1 client should work.

> o   We are unsure as to why it fails at the end.

The authentication on the client fails.  Probably because it doesn't
like the server's certificate.  The most likely reason is that the
certificate doesn't contain the server's hostname/IP (as configured in
the VPN profile) as subjectAltName extension.  But you should definitely
check the client's log for details (accessible in the main menu of the app).


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