[strongSwan] sqlite ipsec.conf ipv6

luxInteg lux-integ at btconnect.com
Thu Jul 9 19:56:40 CEST 2015


I am interested in   embedding ipsec.conf in an sqlite database.  I scanned 
through though some of the test cases of sqlite:strongswan described here:-

--A--( https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/SQLite   )
--B--( https://www.strongswan.org/uml/testresults42/sql/index.html   )

I would   like to know if   the sqlite-c interface used by strongswan  permits 
the use of an sqlite database  for an ipsec.conf   with all three sections as 
described here
--C--(https://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/IpsecConf )

I would also like to know wherher for --B-- there are newer test cases of 
strongswan-sqlite  in   IPv6-based networks.
Thanks in advance



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