[strongSwan] StrongSwan on PowerPC [KNL] received netlink error: Operation not supported (95)

Martin Willi martin at strongswan.org
Wed Oct 30 09:45:39 CET 2013

Hi Luka,

> Oct 30 07:34:39 00[KNL] received netlink error: Operation not supported (95)
> Oct 30 07:34:39 00[KNL] unable to create IPv4 routing table rule
> Oct 30 07:34:39 00[KNL] received netlink error: Operation not supported (95)
> Oct 30 07:34:39 00[KNL] unable to create IPv6 routing table rule

Most likely your kernel is missing IP policy routing

> Where can I get filenames (?.ko) for the kernel modules, that are required
> for strongswan

If I remember correctly, IP policy routing can't be provided by a
module, but is an optional functionality of the kernel itself.

So if you can't replace the kernel with one having that option, you
might consider the let charon install routes to the main table instead
of the dedicated routing table. This can be achieved by setting
charon.routing_table = 0 in strongswan.conf, see [1].



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