[strongSwan] Best practice for win7 <-> strongswan 5.1

bjoern wahl bjoern.wahl at hospital-borken.de
Wed Oct 23 11:18:05 CEST 2013

Hello List!

Me again trying to get my win7 hosts to work with Strongswan.

After giving up on Strongswan 4.1 SLES11SP3 I make strongswan from the
sources, which seems to work for me.

strongswan-5.1.0 # ./configure --enable-pem --enable-pkcs1
--enable-eap-radius --enable-eap-identity --enable-md4
--enable-eap-mschapv2 --enable-eap-tls && make && make install

As you can see i tried to do that with eap, but didn`t get it to work.
After that I read [1],[2],[3] and [4]. 

And after that decided to do it just as shown in [1]. Which also did not
work. ( I noticed that that was done with 4.3.1 and I use Linux
strongSwan U5.1.0/K3.0.93-0.8-default.)

Coming up to my question:

- What would be best practice to get Strongswan 5.1 working with Win7 ?

After spending several day trying to get it all working with
EAP<->Radius<->eDir I stopped trying to get that to work.

-Finally it might be that I just did a wrong "./configure ...." ? Would
it make sense to include every module possible ,as i do not know what
will come next week ?

- I had a lot of problems with the Client-Certs when trying to get
Client-Cert-Auth to work. Read [2] did not really help me, as it still
fails with "13086", does anybody have an idea how to solve that ? 

Yes, i also read [5] and i am in that test right now, but i am not sure
if my ./configure is correct, for using that.

Thanks for every idea !


[1] http://www.nwlab.net/tutorials/strongSwan-Windows-7-VPN/
[2] http://tiebing.blogspot.de/2012/05/windows-7-ikev2-error-13806.html
[4] http://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/Windows7
[5] http://wiki.strongswan.org/projects/strongswan/wiki/SimpleCA

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