[strongSwan] Left subnet Limitation?

Martin Willi martin at strongswan.org
Thu Nov 14 11:00:13 CET 2013

Hi Adrian,

> Doesn't allow more that 115 subnets.

> leftsubnet=,,,,[...]

I think this limitation is fine:

      * All this subnet definitions add a traffic selector, letting your
        TSi/TSr payloads grow. This creates huge packets, which is
        usually bad.
      * When installing kernel policies, we have to create a full mesh
        between leftsubnet and rightsubnet. If you have 100 subnets in
        each, this creates several thousand policies for a single
        connection. Probably won't scale that well.

You should really consider simplifying your leftsubnet.
and are actually, and so you can reduce all
selectors two 3-4 unified selectors.

You may also take a look at the range-split utility at [1], it
calculates the ideal subnet definition for an arbitrary IP address



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