[strongSwan] Guidance on split-exclude when using Unity plugin

kgardenia42 kgardenia42 at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 31 20:44:18 CET 2013


I'm trying to configure split-tunneling to exclude certain
cherry-picked addresses from the VPN tunnel using the Unity plugin.
for reasons I can't figure it is resulting in the excluded addresses
seemingly black-holing on the client-side.   To validate my
assumptions, I'd like to outline what I'm doing and hopefully someone
can put out where I'm going wrong or what I'm failing to grock.

I have a VPN (strongswwan 5.0.2) which is a gateway for all traffic
(IOS devices, ikev1).  I would like to exclude certain "sites" (aka
hostnames) from that.  I realize that the terminology "sites" doesn't
quite apply since strongswan only speaks network addresses/subnets but
I get that.

To pick a contrived example.  Lets say I wanted to exclude the site
www.2600.com (which, as it happens, has 1 fixed static address of, from being tunneled via the VPN I would put the
following in /etc/strongswan.conf:

charon {

        cisco_unity = yes

        plugins {
                attr {
                        split-exclude =

ok - now when I try to do a: curl http://www.2600.com the traffic just
blocks/stalls on the client-side.  If I go to <another other address>
I can see (via tcpdump) that the traffic is arriving at the VPN server
just fine.

So what his tells me is both good news and bad news.  Good news: the
split-exclude config does seem to be pushing out the relevant config
to the client.  Bad news: the client is somehow not able to route the
excluded traffic directly (not via the VPN).  I have replicated this
on both IOS clients and an Ubuntu strongswan client.  I'm sure I'm
missing something fundamental.

This is my server config:

conn ios

Any ideas what the issue could be?  I expect it is something really

Is the leftsubnet option of "" the culprit here?  i.e. can
you on one hand say "route everything via the VPN" and on another hand
say "but not". i.e. where does that leave traffic
destined for   Am I just totally off base?  If not
what is the right way to write such a config?

Please advise where I'm going wrong.  All feedback greatly appreciated.


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