[strongSwan] how to requests internal WINS server information for a linux ikev2 client

amysue.z at gmail.com amysue.z at gmail.com
Sat Apr 27 11:30:47 CEST 2013


I'm using a linux pc as a ikev2 client, and get a virtual ip from the
gateway. The gateway has defined DNS server and WINS server.

After the vpn tunnel is active, the client pc get virtual ip and DNS server
from gateway, but the client seems not get WINS server from gateway.

Below is my client linux pc  ipsec.conf

*config setup*
*    strictcrlpolicy=no*
*   # charonstart=yes*
*   # plutostart=no*
*conn %default*
*    ikelifetime=28800s*
*    keylife=28800s*
*    rekeymargin=3m*
*    keyingtries=3*
*    keyexchange=ikev2*
*    ike=3des-sha1-modp1024*
*    esp=3des-sha1*
*conn client*
*    left=*
*    leftsourceip=%config*
*    leftcert=client1_cert.pem*
*    leftid="/C=CN/ST=SH/O=TEST/CN=IKEv2_Client1"*
*    right=*
*    rightid="/C=CN/ST=SH/O=TEST/CN="*
*    rightsubnet=*
*    auto=add*

And the tunnel is active, get the following message

*scheduling reauthentication in 28559s*
*maximum IKE_SA lifetime 28739s*
*installing DNS server to /etc/resolv.conf*
*installing DNS server to /etc/resolv.conf*
*installing DNS server to /etc/resolv.conf*
*installing new virtual IP*
*CHILD_SA client{1} established with SPIs cbaf8466_i e3081f27_o and TS ===*
*peer supports MOBIKE*
The gateway dns servers are installed to client pc, but not WINS server.

I want to how can linux pc get WINS server
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