[strongSwan] Plugin load-tester

NGO MAEMBLE Ruth-Stephanie ruth-stephanie.ngomaemble at thalesgroup.com
Fri Jun 22 10:51:20 CEST 2012


I am using the plugin load-tester with strongswan-4.6.3, against a remote host. My configuration is

initiators = 1 (1 thread)
iterations = 10 (10 tunnels)
delay = 500 ms (initiating an IKE SA every 500 ms)

(my strongswan.conf file is attached)

I noticed that about 50 ms are necessary to establish an IPSec tunnel. However when I put a delay of 20 ms, an IKE SA wasn't initiated every 20 ms. IKE SAs are initiated one after the other.

What about the real significance of the parameter "delay" ? Is it relevant only from a certain value ?



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