[strongSwan] expected record boundary in key

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Tue Feb 7 15:44:41 CET 2012

 I'm trying to setup the usage of certificates etc with strongSWAN, but
 there might be something I've missed.

 I have had my own CA for many years, genererating working certificates
 for a bunch of services (ldaps, https, etc).

 When I try to add 'leftcert', I can no longer use PSK.

   conn %default

 This gives me the following in the logs:

   Feb  7 15:35:20 pluto[3398]:   id 'host.domain.tld' not 
 confirmed by certificate, defaulting to 'C=SE, O=Bayour.COM, OU=System, 
 CN=host.domain.tld, E=turbo at bayour.com'

 and if removing the leftid:

   Feb  7 15:36:28 pluto[3466]:   id '%any' not confirmed 
 by certificate, defaulting to 'C=SE, O=Bayour.COM, OU=System, 
 CN=host.domain.tld, E=turbo at bayour.com'

 Fair enough. Don't really matter that much, but what should I write in 
 ipsec.secrets file?

   "C=SE, O=Bayour.COM, OU=System, CN=host.domain.tld, 
 E=turbo at bayour.com" <A_RIGHTID_IP> : PSK "SomESecReet"
   "C=SE, O=Bayour.COM, OU=System, CN=host.domain.tld, 
 E=turbo at bayour.com" %any : PSK "aNothEERseCreT"

 gives me:

   Feb  7 15:38:18 pluto[3545]: loading secrets from 
   Feb  7 15:38:18 pluto[3545]:   loaded PSK secret for 
   Feb  7 15:38:18 pluto[3545]: 
 "/var/lib/strongswan/ipsec.secrets.inc" line 1: expected record boundary 
 in key
   Feb  7 15:38:18 pluto[3545]:   loaded PSK secret for 
   Feb  7 15:38:18 pluto[3545]: 
 "/var/lib/strongswan/ipsec.secrets.inc" line 2: expected record boundary 
 in key

 Using my own, external IP instead of the cert path works, but I have a 
 IP, so I prefer not to use that (complicates things :).

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