[strongSwan] EAP_MD5 in strongswan

Abhishek Singh abhi.iitg at gmail.com
Mon May 2 06:16:56 CEST 2011


I have been trying to establish a VPN connection using strongswan
(version 4.5.1) as the client. The security used at the server is
EAP_MD5. When I used free-radius as the radius server it works fine
but a cisco radius server does not work.

The problem that I have been able to identify is that cisco server
sends a "name" field in the eap-md5 challenge packet while free-radius
does not. The chap rfc clearly mentions about this name field which
could be one or more octets in length. However I looked at the
strongswan code a little bit, as far as I could see, I did not find
any handling for this field in the eap-md5 code.

Could you please let me know if there is some issue in my
understanding or if strongswan has implemented the rfc in a certain
way. I hope there is a problem with my understanding :)


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