[strongSwan] Site-To-Site becomes unreasonable slow within 12h of running

Kim Zeitler kim.zeitler at konzept-is.de
Tue Jun 21 16:12:55 CEST 2011

Hi Martin,
thanks for your prompt replay.

>> conn moon
>>       dpdaction=restart
>>       auto=start
>> conn sun
>>       dpdaction=restart
>>       auto=start
> Having auto=start on both sides while using dpdaction and the default
> uniqueids setting is problematic: Both sides initiate the tunnel, then
> the redundant tunnel is closed due the uniqueids policy. But the DPD
> action will implicitly set a "closeaction", which triggers the
> recreation of the tunnel.
Seems logical. The dpdaction=restart only found its way into the config, 
as we had the problems with the connection 'hanging' not allowing any 
traffic through.
> This most likely results in a tunnel setup and teardown loop, increasing
> your requids and killing your throughput.
> If it is an option for you, I'd change to auto=add on one side.
> Otherwise you could try the patch at [1], see [2] for more details. The
> issue has been fixed for the next release with [3].
Patching the src is no option for us. I have changed one side to 'add'. 
Did you also mean removing the dpdaction?


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