[strongSwan] Split tunneling

Andreas Steffen andreas.steffen at strongswan.org
Fri Oct 22 16:08:29 CEST 2010

Yep, I have the suspicion that there might be an issue with either
the attribute or total packet length.


On 22.10.2010 15:47, Claude Tompers wrote:
> So strongswan should send the exact same message, except for the actual string ?
> On Friday 22 October 2010 15:37:46 Andreas Steffen wrote:
>> But if you replace the standard banner by one defined via attr-sql,
>> it fails? Strange!
>> On 22.10.2010 15:04, Claude Tompers wrote:
>>> It still does, if I do not set the attribute, I see the "standard" banner.
>>> regards,
>>> Claude
>>> On Friday 22 October 2010 14:52:36 Andreas Steffen wrote:
>>>> I remember that the default banner "Welcome to Linux strongSwan"
>>>> always worked with the Cisco client, though.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Andreas
>>>>  On 22.10.2010 14:29, Claude Tompers wrote:
>>>>> Hello Andreas,
>>>>> They all fail, as soon as I set one of them (unity_def_domain /
>>>>> banner / unity_split_include). Cisco client says "Negotiating
>>>>> security policies" and it fails. If I don't have any of those
>>>>> attributes set, it immediately passes on to saying "Securing channel
>>>>> communication" and succeeds.
>>>>> kind regards, Claude
>>>>> On Friday 22 October 2010 14:06:55 Andreas Steffen wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Claude,
>>>>>> it is not evident from the log which attribute[s] the Cisco VPN
>>>>>> client doesn't like. I recommend to remove all Cisco_Unity
>>>>>> attributes from the SQLite database keeping only the virtual IP so
>>>>>> that the negotiation goes on to Quick Mode and then add back the
>>>>>> attributes one-by-one until ModeCfg fails so that the actual error
>>>>>> can be identified.
>>>>>> I just know that Astaro got the split tunneling working since we
>>>>>> jointly developed the attr-sql functionality but I didn't test the
>>>>>> interoperability with the Chisco client myself.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>> On 22.10.2010 11:40, Claude Tompers wrote:
>>>>>>> I attached the Ciso log. I think the interesting part starts at
>>>>>>> message 24.
>>>>>>> kind regards, Claude
>>>>>>> On Friday 22 October 2010 11:27:24 Andreas Steffen wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hmmm, it seems that the Cisco client doesn't like strongSwan's
>>>>>>>> ModeCfg reply containing all these Cisco Unity attributes
>>>>>>>> because it just keeps retransmitting the ModeCfg request. Could
>>>>>>>> you find out what errors occur in the Cisco log?
>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>>>> On 22.10.2010 10:48, Claude Tompers wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Andreas,
>>>>>>>>> Setting the leftsubnet did not work. You can find the pluto
>>>>>>>>> log attached.
>>>>>>>>> thank you Claude
>>>>>>>>> On Friday 22 October 2010 10:24:24 Andreas Steffen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello Claude,
>>>>>>>>>> could you provide some pluto logs with
>>>>>>>>>> plutodebug=all
>>>>>>>>>> set in ipsec.conf?
>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>>>>>> BTW On second thought leftsubnet on the strongSwan gateway 
>>>>>>>>>> should be set to the subnet communicated the Cisco client
>>>>>>>>>> via the unity_split_include attribute since the client will
>>>>>>>>>> probably used them during Quick Mode. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>> multiple subnets will cause several Quick Modes to be set
>>>>>>>>>> up, though.
>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>>>>>> On 22.10.2010 09:55, Claude Tompers wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Andreas,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for your quick reply. Sadly, it does not work,
>>>>>>>>>>> but I think we're on the right path. The Cisco client
>>>>>>>>>>> tells me "Negotiating security policies" before it stops
>>>>>>>>>>> silently. On the other side, I don't see much in the
>>>>>>>>>>> pluto logs. Any ideas ?
>>>>>>>>>>> kind regards, Claude
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday 21 October 2010 12:22:56 Andreas Steffen
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Claude,
>>>>>>>>>>>> yes it should be possible with the Cisco_Unity
>>>>>>>>>>>> functionality added to the attr-sql plugin with
>>>>>>>>>>>> strongswan-4.4.1:
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Enable the attr-sql and sqlite plugins
>>>>>>>>>>>> ./configure ... --enable-sqlite --enable-attr-sql
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Create an SQLite database:
>>>>>>>>>>>> cat
>>>>>>>>>>>> strongswan-4.4.1/testing/hosts/default/etc/ipsec.d/tables.sql
>>>>>>>>>>>> | sqlite3 /etc/ipsec.d/ipsec.db
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Define the path to the database in strongswan.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>> libhydra { plugins { attr-sql { database =
>>>>>>>>>>>> sqlite:///etc/ipsec.d/ipsec.db } } }
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Create a virtual IP pool in the database using the
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipsec pool tool
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipsec pool -add mypool --start --end
>>>>>>>>>>>> --timeout 48
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Add internal DNS and WINS servers
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipsec pool --addattr dns  --server ipsec pool
>>>>>>>>>>>> --addattr dns  --server ipsec pool --addattr
>>>>>>>>>>>> nbns --server ipsec pool --addattr nbns
>>>>>>>>>>>> --server
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Add default domain
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipsec pool --addattr unity_def_domain  --string
>>>>>>>>>>>> "strongswan.org"
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Add welcome banner
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipsec pool --addattr banner --string "The network will
>>>>>>>>>>>> be down from 6-8 pm"
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Add split tunneling subnets !!!
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipsec pool --addattr unity_split_include --subnet 
>>>>>>>>>>>> ","
>>>>>>>>>>>> - List all configured attributes
>>>>>>>>>>>> ipsec pool --statusattr
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Configure the pool in ipsec.conf
>>>>>>>>>>>> conn rw-cisco right=%any rightsourceip=%mypool 
>>>>>>>>>>>> leftsubnet=
>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't actually tested this with the Cisco VPN
>>>>>>>>>>>> Client but it should work so that only traffic to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> and networks are tunneled.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 21.10.2010 10:57, Claude Tompers wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it possible to do split tunneling with CISCO VPN
>>>>>>>>>>>>> client and pluto so that a road-warrior is still able
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to access i.e. printers in his local network ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> kind regards Claude
>>>> ======================================================================
>>>> Andreas Steffen                         andreas.steffen at strongswan.org
>>>> strongSwan - the Linux VPN Solution!                www.strongswan.org
>>>> Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
>>>> University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
>>>> CH-8640 Rapperswil (Switzerland)
>>>> ===========================================================[ITA-HSR]==

Andreas Steffen                         andreas.steffen at strongswan.org
strongSwan - the Linux VPN Solution!                www.strongswan.org
Institute for Internet Technologies and Applications
University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
CH-8640 Rapperswil (Switzerland)

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