[strongSwan] Certificate checks while using EAP-TLS

Andreas Schantin andreas.schantin at uni-siegen.de
Thu Oct 7 15:27:52 CEST 2010

Hi everybody,

I have a question concerning the validation of certificates when using 
EAP-TLS (strongswan-4.5.0dr4). I've had a bit of trouble following the 
example from the wiki while trying to set up an connection using EAP-TLS 
as authentication. As it turned out this was due to the missing 
subjectAlternativeName in the client's certificate. After issuing a 
certificate with the client's IP as the subjectAlternativeName 
everything worked like a charm.

Now here's my problem. I would like to let the clients authenticate 
themselves with previously issued certificates that contains an email 
address in the subjectAlternativeName (or that have no 
subjectAlternativeName at all). But during my experiments StrongSWAN 
always rejects these certificates as:

Oct  7 15:10:12 vpntest charon: 01[TLS] received TLS Certificate 
handshake (1655 bytes)
Oct  7 15:10:12 vpntest charon: 01[TLS] received TLS peer certificate 
'C=DE, ST=Nordrhein-Westfalen, L=Siegen, [...]'
Oct  7 15:10:12 vpntest charon: 01[TLS] received TLS ClientKeyExchange 
handshake (66 bytes)
Oct  7 15:10:12 vpntest charon: 01[TLS] received TLS CertificateVerify 
handshake (258 bytes)
Oct  7 15:10:12 vpntest charon: 01[TLS] no trusted certificate found for 
'' to verify TLS peer
Oct  7 15:10:12 vpntest charon: 01[TLS] processing TLS ChangeCipherSpec 
record (1 bytes)
Oct  7 15:10:12 vpntest charon: 01[TLS] processing TLS Handshake record 
(48 bytes)
Oct  7 15:10:12 vpntest charon: 01[TLS] sending fatal TLS alert 
'certificate unknown'

The same error like when I used certificates without subjectAlternativeName.

I guess this is because charon tries to match the subjectAlternativeName 
to the client's IP or DNS name, right? But how can I influence that 
behavior? I just want to check if that client's certificate is issued by 
a certain CA (and maybe has a certain field in the DN). Is that even 
possible or desirable? My client anyway won't have fixed IPs nor 
resolvable hostnames that I can issue the certificates for anyway.

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