[strongSwan] Strongswan 4.4.0, Juniper ScreenOS, XAUTH, and RSA authentication failed

Fritz Stauffer fstauffer at apo.nmsu.edu
Wed May 19 17:47:16 CEST 2010

I have this mostly working, except, Juniper's ScreenOS returns the INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS and INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK in the XAUTH Status, which is unexpected and causes a failed XAUTH status.  I saw another post mentioning a Juniper XAUTH problem, and the comment that it is different than the Cisco XAUTH protocol.

So, is there a work around, patch, configuration that I need to try?

Thank you,

Here's the ipsec.conf file:

# /etc/ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file

config setup

conn %default

conn home

Here's the relevant part of the log showing the failure:

May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | certificate is valid
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | authcert list locked by 'verify_x509cert'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | issuer cacert found
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | signature verification: 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | L0 - digestInfo: 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | => 35 bytes @ 0x824e285 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    0: 30 21 30 09 06 05 2B 0E 03 02 1A 05 00 04 14 42  0!0...+........B 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   16: 03 BF DD 65 12 54 43 CF 95 DC 8B 20 A8 4D 5E 2B  ...e.TC.... .M^+ 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   32: 3B 48 18                                         ;H. 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | L1 - digestAlgorithm: 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | L2 - algorithmIdentifier: 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | L3 - algorithm: 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   'sha-1' 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | L1 - digest: 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | => 20 bytes @ 0x824e294 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    0: 42 03 BF DD 65 12 54 43 CF 95 DC 8B 20 A8 4D 5E  B...e.TC.... .M^ 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   16: 2B 3B 48 18                                      +;H. 
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | certificate signature is valid
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | authcert list unlocked by 'verify_x509cert'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | crl list locked by 'verify_by_crl'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | crl list unlocked by 'verify_by_crl'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: "home" #1: crl not found
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: "home" #1: certificate status unknown
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | subject: 'C=US, ST=New Mexico, L=Sunspot, O=ARC, OU=Apache Point Obs., CN=APO, E=workers at apo.nmsu.edu'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | issuer:  'C=US, ST=New Mexico, L=Sunspot, O=ARC, OU=Apache Point Obs., CN=APO, E=workers at apo.nmsu.edu'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | authkey:  cb:cc:4d:07:47:1b:cc:91:a4:c4:c3:2b:32:87:6b:55:a7:4b:5b:fa
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | certificate is valid
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | authcert list locked by 'verify_x509cert'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | issuer cacert found
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | certificate signature is valid
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | authcert list unlocked by 'verify_x509cert'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | reached self-signed root ca with a path length of 0
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | Public key validated
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | unref key: 0x8248c38 0x8248f48 cnt 1 'O=APO, CN=0162092009004949, CN=rsa-key, CN=vpn.apo.nmsu.edu, CN=APO VPN Firewall'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   ref key: 0x824bd58 0x824c020 cnt 0 'O=APO, CN=0162092009004949, CN=rsa-key, CN=vpn.apo.nmsu.edu, CN=APO VPN Firewall'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | unref key: 0x8248c98 0x8248f48 cnt 1 'vpn.apo.nmsu.edu'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   ref key: 0x824bdb8 0x824c020 cnt 0 'vpn.apo.nmsu.edu'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | hashing 84 bytes of SA
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | XAUTHInitRSA check passed with keyid f0:d3:f7:21:e6:af:26:85:e6:c0:3f:ab:a7:61:1c:24:2c:ee:09:d3
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   ref key: 0x824bdb8 0x824c020 cnt 1 'vpn.apo.nmsu.edu'
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | authentication succeeded
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | peer CA:      "C=US, ST=New Mexico, L=Sunspot, O=ARC, OU=Apache Point Obs., CN=APO, E=workers at apo.nmsu.edu"
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | required CA:  "PoA"
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | inserting event EVENT_SA_REPLACE, timeout in 3269 seconds for #1
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: "home" #1: ISAKMP SA established
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | waiting for XAUTH request from server
May 19 08:29:32 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | next event EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 3269 seconds for #1
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | 
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | *received 76 bytes from on eth0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6  16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   08 10 06 01  9f ce a9 68  00 00 00 4c  d1 b5 c8 1d
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   9d d1 d6 bb  d6 c3 3e 10  85 ff 07 76  c4 d7 be 3e
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   c3 15 49 87  6a 72 47 da  ff 93 1a 04  4c ce 96 2f
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   ca be e9 f7  48 95 a9 b0  01 f7 bf 46
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | **parse ISAKMP Message:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    initiator cookie:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    responder cookie:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_HASH
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ISAKMP version: ISAKMP Version 1.0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    exchange type: ISAKMP_XCHG_MODE_CFG
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    flags: ISAKMP_FLAG_ENCRYPTION
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    message ID:  9f ce a9 68
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length: 76
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ICOOKIE:  45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | RCOOKIE:  16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | peer:  c0 29 d3 88
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | state hash entry 0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | state object not found
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ICOOKIE:  45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | RCOOKIE:  16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | peer:  c0 29 d3 88
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | state hash entry 0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | state object #1 found, in STATE_MAIN_I4
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | last Phase 1 IV:  12 7f c7 5c  01 ef 67 63  a9 3b 92 d2  3f 6a f0 13
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | computed Phase 2 IV:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   77 60 73 29  2c 52 71 fc  df 49 98 49  c0 05 e0 50
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   81 0c 68 f6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | received encrypted packet from
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | decrypting 48 bytes using algorithm AES_CBC
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | decrypted:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   0e 00 00 18  12 dc 30 6d  d1 33 e1 48  17 42 1e e5
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   2e 57 5b 71  d5 89 ba 6b  00 00 00 14  01 00 29 bb
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   c0 88 00 00  40 89 00 00  40 8a 00 00  00 00 00 00
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | next IV:  4c ce 96 2f  ca be e9 f7  48 95 a9 b0  01 f7 bf 46
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ***parse ISAKMP Hash Payload:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_MODECFG
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length: 24
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ***parse ISAKMP Mode Attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_NONE
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length: 20
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    Attr Msg Type: ISAKMP_CFG_REQUEST
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    Identifier: 10683
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | removing 4 bytes of padding
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | **emit ISAKMP Message:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    initiator cookie:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    responder cookie:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_HASH
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ISAKMP version: ISAKMP Version 1.0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    exchange type: ISAKMP_XCHG_MODE_CFG
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    flags: ISAKMP_FLAG_ENCRYPTION
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    message ID:  9f ce a9 68
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: "home" #1: parsing XAUTH request
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ModeCfg HASH computed:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   12 dc 30 6d  d1 33 e1 48  17 42 1e e5  2e 57 5b 71
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   d5 89 ba 6b
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ModeCfg attr type: XAUTH_TYPE
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length/value: 0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ModeCfg attr type: XAUTH_USER_NAME
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length/value: 0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ModeCfg attr type: XAUTH_USER_PASSWORD
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length/value: 0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | my xauth user name is '35m.xauth'
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: "home" #1: sending XAUTH reply
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ***emit ISAKMP Hash Payload:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_MODECFG
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting 20 zero bytes of HASH into ISAKMP Hash Payload
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting length of ISAKMP Hash Payload: 24
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ***emit ISAKMP Mode Attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_NONE
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    Attr Msg Type: ISAKMP_CFG_REPLY
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    Identifier: 10683
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ****emit ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ModeCfg attr type: XAUTH_TYPE
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length/value: 0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ****emit ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ModeCfg attr type: XAUTH_USER_NAME
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting 9 raw bytes of xauth_user_name into ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | xauth_user_name  33 35 6d 2e  78 61 75 74  68
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting length of ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute: 9
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ****emit ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ModeCfg attr type: XAUTH_USER_PASSWORD
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting 6 raw bytes of xauth_user_password into ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | xauth_user_password  66 6f 65 6e  69 78
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting length of ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute: 6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting 1 zero bytes of message padding into ISAKMP Mode Attribute
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting length of ISAKMP Mode Attribute: 36
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ModeCfg HASH computed:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   99 3a 07 a9  a1 2d e2 ca  3e 4e 33 20  7d c2 ca 77
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   aa 23 97 6b
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting length of ISAKMP Message: 88
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | encrypting:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   0e 00 00 18  99 3a 07 a9  a1 2d e2 ca  3e 4e 33 20
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   7d c2 ca 77  aa 23 97 6b  00 00 00 24  02 00 29 bb
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   c0 88 00 00  40 89 00 09  33 35 6d 2e  78 61 75 74
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   68 40 8a 00  06 66 6f 65  6e 69 78 00
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting 4 zero bytes of encryption padding into ISAKMP Message
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | encrypting using AES_CBC
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | next IV:  d5 3e f3 a7  61 ce 18 c6  de 0d 79 24  00 b4 c2 ef
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting length of ISAKMP Message: 92
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | sending 92 bytes for STATE_XAUTH_I0 through eth0 to
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6  16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   08 10 06 01  9f ce a9 68  00 00 00 5c  d7 81 21 46
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   08 26 94 12  9d 94 a2 09  b7 7c 15 83  d8 25 af eb
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   ed eb f4 14  95 93 64 ed  42 6b 45 a0  d8 6f 33 f0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   5c ab 23 2b  a2 50 71 9f  21 75 34 57  d5 3e f3 a7
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   61 ce 18 c6  de 0d 79 24  00 b4 c2 ef
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | inserting event EVENT_RETRANSMIT, timeout in 10 seconds for #1
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | next event EVENT_RETRANSMIT in 10 seconds for #1
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | 
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | *received 92 bytes from on eth0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6  16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   08 10 06 01  97 a0 26 71  00 00 00 5c  a6 04 fc 51
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   cb 2e 66 26  0a 9f 86 0e  09 10 17 c0  2f ad db 8f
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   cb ae a7 3b  01 1c 90 c5  98 cb 93 7b  12 3f 83 23
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   62 ba 9f 2d  13 0e 07 44  2a 48 b4 d1  90 db eb 7e
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   7a 00 1c 6e  46 21 31 b5  c8 a6 7e 3c
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | **parse ISAKMP Message:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    initiator cookie:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    responder cookie:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_HASH
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ISAKMP version: ISAKMP Version 1.0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    exchange type: ISAKMP_XCHG_MODE_CFG
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    flags: ISAKMP_FLAG_ENCRYPTION
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    message ID:  97 a0 26 71
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length: 92
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ICOOKIE:  45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | RCOOKIE:  16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | peer:  c0 29 d3 88
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | state hash entry 0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | state object not found
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ICOOKIE:  45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | RCOOKIE:  16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | peer:  c0 29 d3 88
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | state hash entry 0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | state object #1 found, in STATE_XAUTH_I1
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | last Phase 1 IV:  12 7f c7 5c  01 ef 67 63  a9 3b 92 d2  3f 6a f0 13
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | computed Phase 2 IV:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   5b d2 9b f2  d0 09 c7 a8  da a5 4e 7f  57 66 16 01
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   39 82 be 04
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | received encrypted packet from
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | decrypting 64 bytes using algorithm AES_CBC
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | decrypted:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   0e 00 00 18  99 32 eb e4  e8 b2 21 af  96 45 8a 62
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   b3 cc 23 bf  74 cf 9c b5  00 00 00 18  03 00 29 bb
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   00 01 00 04  c0 a8 fe 01  00 02 00 04  ff ff ff ff
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | next IV:  90 db eb 7e  7a 00 1c 6e  46 21 31 b5  c8 a6 7e 3c
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ***parse ISAKMP Hash Payload:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_MODECFG
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length: 24
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ***parse ISAKMP Mode Attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_NONE
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length: 24
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    Attr Msg Type: ISAKMP_CFG_SET
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    Identifier: 10683
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | removing 16 bytes of padding
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | **emit ISAKMP Message:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    initiator cookie:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   45 20 de 28  97 da 23 a6
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    responder cookie:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   16 51 67 e8  aa 09 15 af
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_HASH
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ISAKMP version: ISAKMP Version 1.0
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    exchange type: ISAKMP_XCHG_MODE_CFG
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    flags: ISAKMP_FLAG_ENCRYPTION
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    message ID:  97 a0 26 71

May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: "home" #1: parsing XAUTH status
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ModeCfg HASH computed:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   99 32 eb e4  e8 b2 21 af  96 45 8a 62  b3 cc 23 bf
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |   74 cf 9c b5
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ModeCfg attr type: INTERNAL_IP4_ADDRESS
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length/value: 4
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ****parse ISAKMP ModeCfg attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    ModeCfg attr type: INTERNAL_IP4_NETMASK
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    length/value: 4
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: "home" #1: extended authentication failed

May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: "home" #1: sending XAUTH ack
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ***emit ISAKMP Hash Payload:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_MODECFG
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting 20 zero bytes of HASH into ISAKMP Hash Payload
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting length of ISAKMP Hash Payload: 24
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ***emit ISAKMP Mode Attribute:
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    next payload type: ISAKMP_NEXT_NONE
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    Attr Msg Type: ISAKMP_CFG_ACK
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: |    Identifier: 10683
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | emitting length of ISAKMP Mode Attribute: 8
May 19 08:29:35 xmail2 pluto[18798]: | ModeCfg HASH computed:

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