[strongSwan-dev] Is this a leak in virtual IPs, in ike_sa.c clear_virtual_ips

SM K sacho.polo at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 22:02:40 CEST 2015

Hello Tobias,

Thank you for you reply. I completely understand that this is an iOS bug
and strongswan was doing the right thing. However because we cannot change
the client (iOS), we have to handle this in strongswan. I took the fix you
mentioned in [3] and ported it to our code base and it fixed the problem.
We will try to move to 5.3.0 as soon as we can.

As regards to the xauth-noauth plugin, when we tested with it, we still ran
into the same problem. We do turn off xauth in the iOS profile installed on
the phone, but iOS has a bug in 8.x version of their software and they do
not honor it. There is a bug against apple for this, but I am not sure if
this has been fixed. But we still ran into the same problem with the
modecfg when we used the plugin.

It looks it is expcted that clear_virtual_ips does not release the vips to
the pool and is not a bug. Thanx for the clarification.


On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 1:50 AM, Tobias Brunner <tobias at strongswan.org>

> Hi,
> > I am having a problem with the virtual IP pool being exhausted when
> > connecting from an iOS device. I have the fix in
> > https://wiki.strongswan.org/issues/764 , but I am seeing the issue
> > mentioned by one of the users on the bug.
> >
> > The leak is because the modecfg defined for the iOS device connection is
> > push, while iOS actually uses modecfg=pull. However, for an actual iOS
> > device, it seems that I have to define modecfg=push, otherwise the iOS
> > device connection fails (or hangs).
> As discussed in the follow up comments in #764 [1], this looks like a
> client bug (the client clearly does ModeCfg in pull mode, and the Apple
> docs [2] also don't mention a change to push mode if XAuthEnabled is set
> to 0 in the configuration profile).
> Also, you should consider an upgrade to 5.3.0 for iOS devices as you
> will run into [3] otherwise.  And the fix for that issue (together with
> other changes in 5.3.0) might actually help in this case (see below).
> > We cannot use xauth and using the
> > xauth-noauth plugin also did not work in this case.
> Why not?  It was specifically added for iOS devices.
> > While debugging this problem, I noticed that the build_reply function in
> > mode_config.c clears the ike_sa's virtual IPs before allotting new ones.
> > The function clear_virtual_ips is called on the ike_sa to do so. But
> > this function frees the VIP but does not release them back to the pool.
> > Is this a bug?
> Not really, it is caused by an incorrect config and client behavior
> (push mode "needed", while the client then still does pull mode).  With
> 5.3.0 existing VIPs on the IKE_SA are reassigned during ModeCfg, as this
> is required during reauthentication.  So this might help here too, as
> the VIP acquired in push mode will be reassigned in the pull mode
> exchange that immediately follows.
> Regards,
> Tobias
> [1] https://wiki.strongswan.org/issues/764#note-12
> [2]
> https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/mac/featuredarticles/iPhoneConfigurationProfileRef/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010206-CH1-SW29
> [3] https://wiki.strongswan.org/issues/807
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