[strongSwan-dev] does connection definition via sql work only for Ikev2?

SM K sacho.polo at gmail.com
Thu May 8 03:03:00 CEST 2014


I am trying to use the sqlite plugin to define connections for ikev1. I
followed the example listed on the wiki page. I however want to define a
connection for ikev1 instead of ikev2 (the example uses ikev2)

When i change the ike_version to 1 in the entry to peer_configs table, i
don't see the connection in ipsec statusall output. if i change it to
version2, the connection is shown. I am using version 5.1.2

I noticed in src/libcharon/plugins/sql/sql_config.c, when the database is
queried to create a peer_config, the where clause specifically mentions
ike_version=2. When I removed this clause, the connection appeared in the
ipsec statusall output (but still as a ikev2, so there might be more
changes i will have to do).

I am trying to find an easy way to add connection definitions to strongswan
from an external program, like a bash script. When I used the older version
with pluto, i could specify most of the connection parameters in the whack
command. I however can't seem to do this in stroke. I am finding that the
SQL route is not very easy. Is there another way to add and delete
connections to strongswan, from an external program, where I can specify
all the connection parameters?

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