Hi Martin and Andreas,<br><br>My old friends, Thanks for you help!<br><br>Currently, When I investigate the DSCP support of Strongswan, I encountered the following problem. <br><br>Firstly, Let me describe the Test Environment we built.<br>
<br>1) we use the end to end mode. <br>2) we use strongswan based on V4.5.2<br>3) Topo is:<br><br>Server (, additional ip - <---------> Client (<br>4) configuration is: <br> ---> Client side:<br>
config setup<br> strictcrlpolicy=no<br> plutostart=no<br><br>conn %default<br> ike=3des-aesxcbc-modp1024!<br> esp=3des-aesxcbc!<br> ikelifetime=24h<br> keyexchange=ikev2<br><br>conn rw-eapaka<br> left=<br>
leftsubnet=<a href=""></a><br> leftid=<a href="http://yyy.femtoforum.org">yyy.femtoforum.org</a><br> leftcert=/etc/ipsec.d/certs/segw.pem<br> leftfirewall=yes<br> lefthostaccess=yes<br>
right=%any<br> rightid=<a href="http://xxx.femtoforum.org">xxx.femtoforum.org</a><br> rightcert=/etc/ipsec.d/certs/hnodeb.pem<br> rightsendcert=never<br> rightsourceip=<br> auto=start<br><br><br>
---> server side<br>config setup<br> strictcrlpolicy=no<br> plutostart=no<br><br>conn %default<br> ikelifetime=24h<br> keylife=60m<br> keyexchange=ikev2<br> dpdaction=clear<br> dpddelay=20m<br><br>
conn FAP0<br> left=<br> leftsourceip=%config<br> leftid=<a href="http://xxx.femtoforum.org">xxx.femtoforum.org</a><br> leftcert=/etc/ipsec.d/certs/hnodeb.pem<br> mark=10<br> right=<br>
rightsubnet=<a href=""></a><br> rightid=<a href="http://yyy.femtoforum.org">yyy.femtoforum.org</a><br> rightcert=/etc/ipsec.d/certs/segw.pem<br> auto=add<br>5) iptable rules setting: (set in two sides)<br>
iptables -F<br>iptables -X<br>iptables -Z<br>iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT<br>iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT<br>iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT<br>iptables -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT<br>iptables -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT<br>iptables -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT<br>
<br>iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j DSCP --set-dscp 10<br>iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p icmp -m dscp --dscp 10 -j MARK --set-mark 10<br><br><br><br>Test Result: <br><br>1) tunnel can be established successfully <br>
[IKE] assigning virtual IP to peer '<a href="http://xxx.femtoforum.org">xxx.femtoforum.org</a>'<br>[IKE] CHILD_SA FAP0{1} established with SPIs c7b51e9f_i c7e26a4a_o and TS <a href=""></a> === <a href=""></a> <br>
<br>2) when we initiate one ping from server side <br># ping <br><br>we can see the ESP package which is icmp request, but we can't found any response from peer. <br><br>Can you both give me some clue to find the root cause of this problem? Thanks!<br>
<br>Look forward for your answer! <br><br><br>Best wishes,<br>David <br>